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Traditionally known as “The Crab” of the zodiac, this ancient archetype reminds us of Cancer's intuitive, protective and moody nature. Known for their unmatchable nurturing abilities, Cancer is the epitome of the “divine feminine.”
As we step into Cancerian energy, we’re shifting our focus toward the things that really matter – family, friends, safety and security. Reminding ourselves that home really is where the heart is, this zodiac season presents a moment for us to devote ourselves to our deep emotional needs with all the TLC we got.
We can expect to feel our “spidey senses” getting extra tingly this Cancer season as we have Neptune, the ruler of all things mystical, going retrograde on June 28. This transit activates a heightened intuition and deeper relationship with spirit in us all that allows our manifestations to come through thick and fast – so long as we follow our gut instincts.
So, how is this all affecting you this Cancer season? Let’s take a look.
It’s your season so you can find yourself feeling right at home. It’s time to nurture yourself more intentionally and put yourself as your highest priority. What are your deepest desires? How might you meet these needs? Be sure to drop any residual guilt you have around putting yourself first by giving yourself full permission to receive the abundance of love that is flowing toward you.
It’s time to connect to something bigger than yourself, Leo. Cancer season brings with it a mystical moment for you to deepen your relationship with your higher self and the universe at large. As you witness your intuition coming online in a whole new way, ask yourself, Where am I being called right now? What must I nurture in order to get there? Get still, stay present and watch the infinite possibilities roll in.
Cancer season is coming in hot and activating your life vision, mission and purpose. Place your attention on the people around you and the way they make you feel. Does your tribe bring you a sense of safety and security? Is there anyone in your inner circle that makes you feel uneasy? Now is the time to reflect and release the people and situations that no longer serve you.
Libra, what have you come here to accomplish? This Cancer season the cosmos are bringing your legacy into focus so you can feed and nurture your soul purpose. Karma is on your side right now, making you more magnetic than ever to heart-aligned opportunities. As your career levels up, be sure to discern if it’s truly in alignment with your intuition and instincts. Trust yourself.
What do you know to be true? What have you mastered? This Cancer season, it’s time to step into your rightful position as a leader, teacher and nurturer so that you can start sharing your knowledge and wisdom with the world. Follow your heart as you expand into the next level. Abundant success is available now, all you have to do is share your own mastery.
An opportunity for full transformation and deep inner healing has arrived. As you dive into your shadow this Cancer season, it’s time to reveal the honest feelings, opinions and emotions that you have been keeping quiet. So, what have you avoided admitting to yourself? When you declare the truth you kick off a transformational chain reaction that will lead you to exactly where you’re supposed to be. Remember, the Universe has your back.
Capricorn, it’s time to enrich your relationships. For you, this Cancer season is not just about attracting love and romance into your life, but the quality of love you exchange with the people you treasure the most. Which of your relationships require a little more TLC? How can you water the seeds of love that you already planted? Love is a verb, so you must act upon it.
This Cancer season, it’s time to place all your attention on the way you treat yourself. What are your self-care habits? How do you show yourself that you matter day in and day out? It’s time to ritualize self-protection and nurturance this Cancer season. Make sure to meet your needs routinely. Invite yourself back to the basics and give yourself the pleasure of being in your own presence.
Let your inner child play, Pisces. This Cancer season requires you to clear your schedule, go within and create the space for wild creativity to lead. When was the last time you expressed what was in your heart? When was the last time you created art? Pick up the proverbial or literal paint brush this zodiac season and allow yourself to be moved by it. Your next masterpiece awaits.
Rest, relax and receive, Aries. It’s time to pump the breaks and slow down. This Cancer season is highlighting your need to learn the art of receivership so that you can honor your emotional needs and truly take care of yourself. No need to overthink this process as your intuition is more alive than ever right now, so the question is, How can you make it easier to trust yourself?
The time has come to get into a deeper conversation with yourself. Getting out of your head and into your body so that you can communicate your emotions more effectively is your only mission this Cancer season. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and get a little mystical with the process. It’s time to tell us how you really feel.
Do you identify with being a wealthy and abundant being? Do you believe that you deserve to live in overflow? The cosmos are presenting you with a divine opportunity to nurture your finances and your relationship with money. Take this Cancer season to reconnect with your financial goals and more importantly, how you feel about them so that you can attract this success your desire. You are worthy. Period.